
We are always on the lookout for talented people to join our ambitious and welcoming team.
Please get in touch if you have a passion for world-class games.


14 years industry experience
Shipped 20+ titles
Instrumented the sale of Big Pixel
Oversaw team growth from 4 to 35 as GM   

Dave Burpitt

CEO & Co-founder

10 years F2P experience
“Hungry Shark” - top 20 grossing
“Hilda: Creatures” for Silvergate Media
Built and lead the Design team at Big Pixel

James Older

Creative Director & Co-founder

10 years technical experience Specialist in the F2P / Live-ops Lead developer of “Pocket Mortys” Practiced in rapid development & iteration

10 years technical experience
Specialist in the F2P / Live-ops
Lead developer of “Pocket Mortys”
Practiced in rapid development & iteration

Jon Chisholm

Technical Director & Co-founder